Waterflood Process Animation

Web Application Overview
 Waterflood Performance Predictive Calculations | Web Application

VenTex Software Corporation has developed an industry accepted,web based waterflood application program dealing with the immiscible displacement of oil by water resulting in the prediction of oil recovery.
Waterflood prediction methods cover a wide and diverse range of techniques and as a consequence lead to simple or comprehensive results and detail. The choice of methodology many times depends upon the degree of detail required and is typically based upon the following five factors as a minimum consideration:
  1. The time available for the evaluation
  2. Volume and quality of data in hand
  3. Cost
  4. Required minimum amount of detail necesarry to make a decision, i.e., at the start of a flood or possible expansion of an existing flood
  5. Experience level of the evaluation member(s)
This application is not intended as a substitute of state of the art simulation methods but rather as a quick way for the practicing engineer, geologist, operator or other qualified user to predict the performance of oil recovery due to the injectivity of water and to determine project viability. In other words, most of us involved in day to day operations do not have the time and in many instances, the inclination to become specialists in simulation techniques and processes when projects arise a few times each year.
The calculations are based on the waterflood predictive methods recommended by various researchers (Craig et al, Caudle & Witte and Welge) that consider the water displacement mechanism including the existence of a saturation gradient behind the water bank ( movable oil ).
Layer analysis is initiated with data input consisting of rock and fluid properties usually found and available in most production operation office environments. Relative permeability data obtained from laboratory measurements from cores can be manually input or can be empirically generated if saturation end points and rock wettability can be estimated.
Multiple layers with different rock and fluid properties can be analyzed independently or as a summary analysis. Single multilayer five spot pattern or multiple pattern analyses can be performed if so desired. The resulting layer calculations provide for injection and oil production rates, cumulative oil recovery, injectivity and water production, WOR, injectivity as a function of pore volume, all versus time. Results of all analyses and graphs can be printed for permanent record documentation.  Learn more

Try Waterflood Calculations
 Try VenTex Waterflood Performance Predictive Calculations| Web Application

Registration is free and fairly simple to complete.

SPE monograph volume # 3 “10 Layer composite summary” project is available for review as a default project. You can view all calculations results for this pre-existing sample.

Start your projects.
You can start using the application at any time and can return to visit your projects all the times you need to enter or complete the data.

Check out.
You can check out layers individually or all layers of the project at once.

Review, Analyze, Add and Edit as needed.
You can add, edit, clone and delete Layers on existing projects.

Calculations Price.
The price for adding a new layer or cloning from existing one is $ 30. The charge for editing data entry from existing layer is $15.
After checkout you can always return to review, print reports or graphics at any time, you are only charged once.

Projects storage.
Your projects will be kept for one year by default. You can always pin your projects in order to keep them available after the first year.

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